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How To Make Alcohol In Little Alchemy

How to Make Alcohol in Little Alchemy

The Quick and Easy Way

Alcohol is a versatile ingredient in Little Alchemy that can be used to create a variety of items, including beer, wine, and liquor. It can also be used as a fuel source or as a solvent. There are two ways to make alcohol in Little Alchemy, but the most effective, easiest, and quickest way is to combine the following elements:

  • Water
  • Yeast
  • Sugar

Once you have combined these elements, you will need to wait a few minutes for the alcohol to ferment. The amount of time it takes for the alcohol to ferment will depend on the amount of sugar you used. Once the alcohol has fermented, you can use it to create a variety of items.

Here are some tips for making alcohol in Little Alchemy:

  • Use more sugar to make stronger alcohol.
  • Wait longer for the alcohol to ferment to make stronger alcohol.
  • You can use alcohol to create a variety of items, including beer, wine, and liquor.
  • Alcohol can also be used as a fuel source or as a solvent.

With these tips, you will be able to make alcohol in Little Alchemy quickly and easily. So what are you waiting for? Start experimenting today!
